Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Australia Day

A small selection of Australiana that I love...


 still in love with love my way ~ makes me want to live and err drink alcohol because everyone always has a glass in their hand.

you must read this to your children/yourself ~ I have trouble reading this aloud, 
especially towards the end, "Mummy why are you crying?"

 at least one bbq today, probably two. No one will look as cool as the guy in the apron.

 Fourex, Milton, Brisbane, Queensland ~ is iconic but I don't drink it

pascall fruit bon bons tin, manufactured in Tasmania, introduced to me when I was little by my Nan
 ~ so yummy

previous bbq picture and this one, a page from the book you can just see above 
~ Golden Circle Tropical Recipe Book.
Golden Circle is famous for it's tinned pineapple. I think every recipe in this book uses tinned pineapple therefore is fantastic! This picture above is Pineapple Ice-Box Cake

My backyard is has a large lawn, a hills hoist, an outdoor laundry, a swing set ~ half broken, a tin shed for the lawn mower, a chain wire fence, an outdoor table setting which badly needs oiling, and old besser brick bbq, a macadamia tree, and orange tree, a grape vine growing wildly up a bottle brush tree and a mango tree. You can see the mango tree in the back of this photograph.
I love mangoes I think they taste like sunshine! I have yet to sample the mangoes as we haven't yet had a season since I moved in. I will let you know if they are any good. It is a good tree for climbing though!
An excerpt from Mangoes by Australian Poet Richard Tipping,

"mangoes are tangible sensual intelligence
mangoes are debauched antisocialites
mangoes are a positive good in the world
mangoes like poetry"

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